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A Beautifully Handmade Seven Chakra Pendent with  Gemstones In Brass.


1) Emerald---People believed emeralds could confer riches, power, and eloquence if worn as talismans. Purportedly, these gems also strengthened memory and sharpened wits. Its most valuable power was perhaps bestowing the ability to predict future events.


2) Coral---Red Coral gemstone imparts courage and helps in overcoming fear and nervousness in the individual. This is the best gemstone, which can boost the self-esteem of the wearer. This gemstone has amazing healing effects. It helps in overcoming various skin related problems, like boils, acne and more .


3)Sapphire---The sapphire has, for centuries, been seen as a symbol of the heavens, a guardian of innocence, a bestower of truth, a promoter of good health, and a preserver of chastity. It is believed to brings gifts of fulfillment, joy, prosperity, inner peace and beauty.


Citrine--- Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success. It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect.


Labrodorite---Labradorite is said to temper the negativity within ourselves as well. Labradorite is known for its changing colors, so it is no surprise this gemstone is known as a stone of transformation, enhancing strength of will and inner worth. The gemstone labradorite is said to stimulate the throat chakra .


Ruby----Numerous early cultures believed, because of the stone's likeness to the color of blood, that rubies held the power of life. Among European royalty and the upper classes, rubies were thought to guarantee good health, wealth, wisdom, and success in love. They've became some of the most sought-after gems .


Pearl--- Throughout the centuries, pearls have been associated with wealth, femininity, purity, wisdom, patience and peace. Due to their appearance, they have often been compared to the moon, and are said to have a calming, protective and strengthening effect on the wearer .


Hand Made Seven Gemstone Pendent

SKU: 000285
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